Top 10 Cryptocurrencies To Invest in 2020

Get to know the next big cryptocurrencies to invest in 2020. All the latest trending cryptocurrencies in the market.

Within the industry, we have seen many projects suddenly release announcement after announcement and thereby having everyone point their fingers at them. Others are simply releasing impactful technologies that are blowing everyone away combined with some big partnerships, that’s a recipe for success.

Investors are always looking for this kind of breaks, always looking for the projects that will bring them the big returns they are seeking for. Where some traders are actively swinging every single day, other people are investing on a larger time frame. Imagine holding Ethereum before 2017, selling at the top, instead of selling/buying with every single drop or raise in price.

For those who are not planning on anticipating every minor price movement but are rather looking for a more long-term investing strategy, we’ve lined up a list of 10 projects that are looking promising for the upcoming year. In short; The top 10 cryptocurrencies to put your money towards for 2020.

Do note here that predicting the future is somewhat impossible. No one can tell what the next year will look like and what kind of unexpected things will positively or negatively affect the entire view of the cryptocurrency industry as a whole.

No one could foresee the incredible run back in 2017, neither can anyone predict the upcoming bullrun. All we can do is speculate. This list is in no specific order, there are just 10 projects lined up that are looking promising for the upcoming year. 

10. Binance Coin (BNB)

The native token for the leading exchange in the cryptocurrency industry, Binance, came back from a strong run the past year. The price for one token has more than tripled but ever since then, it came back to where it once was. It’s currently sitting around $18 dollars after reaching close to $40 dollars. In all honesty, Binance has a dominant position right now within the industry.

With new services and new features being added to the platform every single day, the exchange is not planning to go anywhere just yet. With that in mind, it’s safe to say that whenever the entire market decides to move to a more positive direction, the Binance Coin is one to have in your portfolio. 

9. Ferrum.Network (FRM)

A lower cap project that has recently been introduced to the market showing some strong fundamentals. With a new injection of capital into the market, the search is always for these projects that have room for the biggest growth. Ferrum is one of these projects that has plenty of room with a market cap that’s currently under 1 million dollars.

The project is building a network that’s bridging the gap between multiple Blockchains and it’s scheduled to have multiple projects running on top of the Ferrum Blockchain. One of those is the Kudi App, an application that brings Cryptocurrency to millions of users in Nigeria. This investment is a bit more tricky than the others in this list, but could turn out to be the one with the highest return.

With their main net scheduled to be releasing in the first quarter of 2020 and more other projects later in the year, Ferrum will be making big announcements throughout the year. They have active partnerships with some big names like Gemini so their networking skills are on point as well, the hype factor is there, so let’s see what time will tell.

8. Komodo (KMD)

As described in one of our recent blog posts, Komodo is a project with an extremely promising future. With the most recent release of their Antara composer, a really useful way of setting up your own Blockchain to your liking, Komodo’s network is bound to grow substantially. With each project that’s releasing their own Blockchain with the use of the Komodo protocol, the KMD token gets more and more value. It correlates with the use of the network and brings a 5% interest a year to every token holder.

With a total supply of fewer than 200 million tokens, it’s a matter of time till the real scarcity hits this project. At that moment the tokens are bound to be worth way more than the current value of $0.56 cents. What the price will be in the upcoming year is unclear, but Komodo is more than ready to start hosting tons of Blockchains with the use of their protocol and the Antara Composer. 

7. Basic Attention Token (BAT)

Anyone that has been into the internet as a whole for the past decade has probably gone through several browsers in the search for your favorite. Back in the days, there was internet explorer, the native browser that came with Windows operating system. We all know now that that was one of the shittiest explorers out there, especially when there are many way better alternatives out these days. One of them is Brave, a combination between Mozilla and Chrome.

The Brave browser has a built-in ad blocker that brings a really user-friendly experience when browsing the internet. It brings you a more private feeling and has a function to bring privacy to another level. A private browser that utilizes the Tor network. Nobody can track where you went this way. How does this all correlate to the BAT token?

The token is designed to integrate with the browser as a form of rewarding users for their content. This can be done by tipping articles, Youtube videos, social media accounts and everything else that can be connected to a person. The tipping is done with BAT tokens. 

BAT has a market cap of 300 million dollars with around 1.5 billion tokens to be released in total. There’s room for growth for sure, with new members onboarding their Browser every day the token is seen and noticed by many of its users. The moment we step away from traditional revenue models for content creators is the moment Brave will step in and take the claim. When that happens, we should better buckle up and enjoy the ride.   

6. Qash (QASH)

One of the best performings assets across the board have been the exchange tokens. We have seen the Binance coin (BNB) that has been showing impressive growth over the year and before, there were many other exchanges that have shown these numbers. Bitmax, Kucoin, Bitfinex to name a few. One more of the upcoming exchanges, Liquid, has created their own token, the QASH token.

The reason this coin might just spark an interest to future investors and bring some proper returns is the expected news. There’s a rebranding coming to the LQC token, a name that eventually relates more to the name of the exchange itself. Then, Liquid might have a fully functioning banking license granted around the end of the year that will allow them to grow substantially.

With the growth of exchange, the token that goes with it is bound to grow as well. We’ve seen it happening before and it could just happen again. The market cap right now is ‘only’ 22 million dollars, in comparison to the near 3 billion that Binance coin has at this moment. Do the math.

5. Nexo (NEXO)

When analyzing the performance of all coins over the past year, especially after the 2017 hyperbullrun, Nexo is one of the projects that stands out. The project has been consistently building and has been growing ever since the day their operations started.

The company behind the project, Credissimo, has been around for multiple years now and has shown no signs of weakness yet. Instead, they have grown more and more with each year. Nexo is bound to repeat this process and cross even more borders than their previous company had done.

The current supply lays around 560 Million tokens and the market cap is around 55 million dollars. The thing here is, whenever we see banks offering negative interest more and more and the entire economy continues to get hit, people start to look for alternatives. Nexo offers 8% returns on your investments, no bank can live up to that.

4. Bitcoin (BTC) 

There can only be one coin to rule them all, right? No matter what kind of investor you are, Bitcoin should have a place in your portfolio. Do you believe in Bitcoin for being the only coin that is actually decentralized? Do you believe in Bitcoin for being the longest-running cryptocurrency? Do you believe in Bitcoin for being the most dominant cryptocurrency out there? Whatever your reason is, ignoring the presence of Bitcoin and ignoring the impact on the entire industry is ignorant.

In fact, you need Bitcoin in order to trade for most of your altcoins or it’s the coin you start off with. Whenever the market moves, Bitcoin moves. Or you can put it the other way around; Whenever Bitcoin moves, the market moves. 

We are currently sitting at 8000 dollars per Bitcoin with the halving expected around June 2020. The halving will be a moment where the reward for mining will halve and Bitcoin will then become more scarce. At this point, it’s relatively cheap to own a full Bitcoin.

Something that will be extremely rare in the future as there are only 21 million Bitcoins ever to be made. 2020 is looking to become an interesting year for crypto as a whole with Bitcoin leading the pathway to either success or an even longer period of misery. 

3. Ark (ARK)

One of the projects that has used the 2017 bullrun to their advantage is Ark. They did an ICO a couple months prior to their price suddenly increasing to enormous prices and their market cap exceeding anyone’s expectations. Rumors say, during this time they have managed to secure enough funding for the upcoming years and it can be seen in the progress they have made ever since.

There is no sign of slowing down for Ark, it’s only evolving. With the aim of becoming ‘The Wordpress for Blockchain’, Ark is in some way gearing up for a battle against 0x. Both of these projects aim at bringing easy to set up Blockchains for anyone in the world.

Which project will here take the crown is unclear to say, but an interesting battle it will be. Ark has the biggest room for growth here with a market cap of 20 million. Taking into consideration that their market cap has once nearly hit the 1 Billion mark, we could just be up for a big run here. Their marketing department has been doing a great job in the previous bullrun. Once we see the market turn around, Ark is one to keep an eye open too. Not only are they able to market their product, but their product is also actually interesting.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Number two in terms of market cap is Ethereum. It’s a project that has been around for quite a long time as the brainchild of Vitalik Buterin, a genius man that created Ethereum. The Ethereum blockchain facilitated thousands of ICO’s by giving the ability to use smart contracts. Where many other projects have successfully integrated smart contracts these days, Ethereum remains the number one project in terms of users. There are hundreds of projects that run on top of the Ethereum blockchain and from these projects, some big names have co-signed Ethereum to be a killer solution. 

As with any project of a certain size, there are some issues that are yet to be resolved for Ehtereum. Once they are able to solve their scaling issues and find ways to stop the current inflation model, the token could become more valuable. The integration for a proof-of-stake mechanism instead of the current proof-of-work system has been announced, unclear to say when this will be integrated though. Once this is integrated and people can start earning with the use of staking their ETH, prices could just go through the roof as we’ve seen before.

1. Ripple (XRP) 

Serving as one of the currencies that has some big controversy surrounding the project for years, Ripple has been steady in the top 5 in terms of market cap for years now. What has brought many people incredible returns has made people lose money as well. The biggest illusion is the price of ripple. It’s valued at roughly 30 cents at this point, making it extremely cheap to own 1 XRP. Thing here is, there are 45 billion XRP tokens, the people claiming that XRP will hit 1 million dollars are out of their mind. Whether Ripple can bring big returns, that’s something that can be expected in the upcoming year.

The product that Ripple has, the centralized as it might be, is quite solid. They aim to be the solution for traditional banks that wish to start using Blockchain technology. It might go against the principles of decentralization and cryptocurrency as a whole, investing is investing. If you manage to put your principles to the side, Ripple could be a good bet for the upcoming year.

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