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USD Coin (Ethereum) (USDC) Crypto Exchange

See current USD Coin (Ethereum) exchange rate on ChangeNOW. No need to create an account. Remember: cryptocurrencies are volatile; always do your own research before exchange.

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USDC Market Data

USDC market info: USDC price today, market cap, and supply

USD Coin (Ethereum) Price is $0.9998. Its current circulating supply is usdc 56,308,819,385 with a market cap of $56,296,614,344.05.


$ 0.9998


$ 56,296,614,344.05

24h % PRICE

-0.01 %


$ 8,084,837,861.91

7d % PRICE

-0.01 %


56,308,819,385 USDC

Start USDC Exchange


Why exchange USD Coin (Ethereum) (USDC) on ChangeNow

The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.

  • 98%Triumph Rate🔥
    Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
  • 5MstarSatisfied Clients
  • 3 minAverage Exchange Time
  • 980Currencies available for exchange
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What is USDC (USDC)

USDC is a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar, meaning 1 USDC is designed to always be worth $1. It is fully collateralized by US dollars and supported by Coinbase and Circle as co-founding members of the Centre Consortium. USDC is backed by reserves, such as cash and short-term US Treasury bonds, and is regularly audited for transparency. USDC operates on multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, [Solana](https://changenow.io/currencies/usd-coin-solana), [Polygon](https://changenow.io/currencies/usdc-polygon), [Tron](https://changenow.io/currencies/usdc-trc20), [Optimism](https://changenow.io/currencies/usd-coin-op) and others, making it widely compatible with decentralized applications, payments, and trading. It is commonly used for low-cost international transfers, staking, and cryptocurrency trading as a stable alternative to volatile assets.


  • USDC is generally considered safe as it is fully backed by US dollar reserves and undergoes regular audits for transparency. It is issued by Circle and Coinbase, which are trusted names in the cryptocurrency industry. However, like any cryptocurrency, USDC is still subject to risks such as market volatility, regulatory changes, and platform security.

    It’s important to remember that all crypto operations carry risks, and you should always conduct your own research before making any investment or transaction.

  • You can easily buy USDC on ChangeNOW. Here's how:

    1. Visit ChangeNOW's website.
    2. Select USDC as the cryptocurrency you want to buy.
    3. Choose the currency you want to pay with (e.g., EUR, USD, or another crypto).
    4. Enter the amount you want to purchase and click Exchange.
    5. Provide the recipient wallet address where you want to receive the USDC.
    6. Confirm the details and proceed with the payment method of your choice.
    7. After the transaction is confirmed, the USDC will be sent directly to your wallet.

    ChangeNOW makes it simple to buy USDC securely without the need for registration!

  • USDC stands for USD Coin. It is a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar, designed to maintain a 1:1 value ratio with the dollar.

  • USDC is a stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US Dollar. It is issued by Circle and Coinbase and backed by US dollar reserves, regularly audited for transparency. USDC operates on various blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon. It’s used for payments, DeFi applications, and trading, offering stability in the volatile cryptocurrency market. USDC can also be redeemed for US dollars through supported platforms.

  • USDC (USD Coin) is managed by Circle and Coinbase, which are the co-founders of the Centre Consortium. The Centre Consortium is responsible for the issuance and regulation of USDC, ensuring that it is fully backed by US dollar reserves and remains transparent through regular audits.

  • USDC (USD Coin) and USDT (Tether) are both stablecoins pegged to the US Dollar, but there are some key differences:

    1. Issuers:

      • USDC is issued by Circle and Coinbase as co-founders of the Centre Consortium.
      • USDT is issued by Tether Ltd..
    2. Transparency and Audits:

      • USDC undergoes regular audits to ensure full backing by reserves, including cash and short-term US Treasury bonds.
      • USDT has faced controversy due to the lack of regular and thorough audits, although it claims to be fully backed by reserves.
    3. Blockchain Networks:

      • Both USDC and USDT are available on multiple blockchain networks, such as Ethereum, Solana, Tron, and more. However, USDT is more widely used across various platforms and chains.
    4. Adoption and Use:

      • USDC is known for its strong regulatory compliance and transparency, making it popular for institutional use and decentralized finance (DeFi).
      • USDT is the most widely used stablecoin globally and is often used for trading and liquidity purposes in the cryptocurrency markets.

    In summary, while both serve as stable alternatives to volatile cryptocurrencies, USDC is known for its transparency and regular audits, while USDT has a more extensive presence in the market but has faced criticism for its audit practices.

  • Yes, USDC is a stablecoin. It is pegged to the US Dollar, meaning its value is designed to always be equivalent to 1 US Dollar. USDC is fully collateralized by US dollar reserves and is supported by Coinbase and Circle, with regular audits to ensure transparency and stability. Read more about stablecoins here!

  • To transfer USDC to your bank account use ChangeNOW’s fiat service; follow these steps:

    1. Visit ChangeNOW’s website.
    2. Select USDC as the cryptocurrency you want to exchange and choose the fiat currency (such as USD, EUR, etc.) you’d like to receive.
    3. Enter the amount of USDC you’d like to sell.
    4. Choose your preferred payment method, including bank transfer options available in your region.
    5. Provide your bank account details for the payout.
    6. Complete the transaction by confirming the details and transferring your USDC to the wallet address provided by ChangeNOW.
    7. Once the transaction is processed and confirmed, the fiat currency will be sent directly to your bank account.

    ChangeNOW offers a fast and secure way to convert your USDC into fiat and transfer it to your bank!