You can easily purchase XMR with any of 850+ available cryptocurrencies at the top of this page. Fill out transaction details to find out Monero's current exchange rate. Buying Monero with fiat is also available on our main website.
Monero (XMR) Crypto Exchange
Instantly exchange Monero at the best XMR exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.
Monero (XMR) Price Chart
Monero market information: price, market cap, and supply
Monero Price is $170.5066. Its current circulating supply is xmr 18,446,744 with a market cap of $3,145,291,260.35.
$ 170.5066
$ 3,145,291,260.35
24h % PRICE
-0.1 %
$ 47,913,439.03
7d % PRICE
0.89 %
18,446,744 XMR
What is Monero (XMR)
Monero (XMR) was created in April 2014 with one life goal – to build a truly anonymous cryptocurrency. It originated back in 2013 with the release of a whitepaper written by a developer Nicholas van Saberhagen. The paper described a currency named CryptoNote, which then was used to create Bytecoin. The Bytecoin project quickly collapsed and a new currency was born.
Born as a fork of Bytecoin (BCN), XMR overgrown its ancestor and become a regular of CoinMarketCap’s top-50. Monero price is highly volatile – if you open any XMR price chart you’ll see, that it’s diving deep and rocket-flies significantly. However, it’s still one of the most popular coins due to its incredible privacy. Inherited from the Bytecoin CryptoNight algorithm in December 2019 gave way to the RandomX – algorithm, which cut off the ASIC mining. And in May 2020 developers’ team implemented the Zk-SNARKS test, which improved Monero transactions in terms of speed, anonymity, and efficiency.
How to buy Monero?
Users can buy XMR on ChangeNOW for one of 900+ cryptocurrencies or for 50+ fiat currencies:
Pick XMR as the “You get” currency above.
Choose crypto or fiat to buy XMR with.
Enter your recipient wallet address.
Send your deposit to a one-time address.
Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!
How to sell Monero?
Swap Monero coins for an asset from our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:
Pick XMR as the “You Send” currency above.
Choose the asset you’d like to get for your XMR.
Enter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to get.
Send your deposit to a one-time address.
Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!
Fiat-friendly XMR exchange
On ChangeNOW you are not limited to exchanging one crypto for another. Here you can buy or sell Monero (XMR) with a bank account or Visa/MasterCard credit card. You still don't need to register even if you want to cash out your XMR. With ChangeNOW you will get the best possible exchange rates, and only the required minimum of fees, like network fees.
Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with Monero (XMR)
Why exchange Monero on ChangeNOW
- Using ChangeNOW is safe. It's a non-custodial service, meaning we don't store or hold your assets at any time.
- ChangeNOW provides fast transactions that take two minutes on average.
- ChangeNOW is versatile, and we always look to improve our service, satisfy our customers, and expand our cryptocurrency portfolio.
- There is no need to register if you're looking to trade any crypto-asset on ChangeNOW. All you need is a wallet address.
- Trade for as much as you want! There is no upper limit to use our service, and we will complete the transaction no matter how large the amount.
Best Monero (XMR) wallets
Monero (XMR) FAQ
Sure! You can easily exchange Bitcoin for Monero at the top of this page. You can also choose from 850+ currencies available on ChangeNOW to buy Monero.