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Tether USDT (TRC20) Crypto Exchange

Access the best USDT exchange rate on ChangeNOW and perform an instant conversion. No limits, accounts or worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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USDT Market Data

USDT market information

Tether USD (TRON) Price is $1.0003. Its current circulating supply is usdt 143,566,824,834 with a market cap of $141,854,304,183.56.


$ 1.0003


$ 141,854,304,183.56

24h % PRICE

0.02 %


$ 78,665,655,240.85

7d % PRICE

0.03 %


143,566,824,834 USDT

Start Tether USD (TRON) Exchange


Why exchange Tether USD (TRON) (USDT) on ChangeNow

The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.

  • 98%Triumph Rate🔥
    Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
  • 5MstarSatisfied Clients
  • 3 minAverage Exchange Time
  • 980Currencies available for exchange
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What is Tether (USDT)

Tether (USDT) TRC20 is a stablecoin based on the [Tron](https://changenow.io/currencies/tron) blockchain. It was released in April of 2019 to develop Tron’s ecosystem by implementing interoperability with Tron-based protocols and DApps. The USDT token and its variations are tied to the USD currency with a 1:1 ratio, which makes it a lot less volatile than other cryptocurrencies. Originally, Tether was built on the Bitcoin blockchain, making it a second-layer cryptocurrency, and used the Omni protocol. It was introduced in 2014 by Brock Pierce, Reeve Collins, and Craig Sellars under the name Realcoin. It was created to merge unlimited possibilities of a cryptocurrency and a stable USD value, making it a safe investment opportunity. The never-changing price of USDT (TRC20 included) is controlled by a few things: maintaining a sum of commercial paper, fiduciary deposits, cash, and more. However, there have been multiple occasions when USDT’s value did not correlate with its fiat sibling’s, one day even hitting a $0.88 mark. Then, the USDT developers team started to issue additional TRC-20 standard USDT tokens to encourage mass adoption of the cryptocurrency. It increased the network’s transaction speed and allowed wider use of Tether. Currently, USDT is one of the most recognized and trusted digital coins on the market.