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Cashback Feature Available on ChangeNOW

Swap crypto on ChangeNOW and earn NOW tokens, effortlessly.

ChangeNOW is launching a cashback feature for registered users who want to profit from their exchanges.

Cashback Feature Available on ChangeNOW

Cashback in crypto is available through your personal account on the ChangeNOW website. It amounts to 0.1% of each transaction and is accrued automatically in ChangeNOW tokens. Standard cashback limit is 1000 NOW per month, but it can be increased.

Benefits tab in your personal account gives you access to all cashback-related information. There you can check your cashback balance and view the accrual history, along with the current cashback rate. The calculator will help you to define the exact amount of crypto cashback you will get from your successful exchanges.

Another useful feature is coming soon – the AML address verification. It will allow you to insert any wallet address to check its AML status. The system will mark it as secure, suspicious, or dangerous; the operation will cost 30 NOW and be charged from the cashback balance.

For your convenience, there is a ChangeNOW loyalty program FAQ in the cashback section of your profile. You can contact our support team for any additional questions.

Welcome to the NOW experience!

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Exchange Crypto

Unlock the power of exchange with Pro features

  • 💸 Double Cashback
  • 🎁 Airdrop: $5000 prize pool
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  • More benefits

Jan. 27 — Feb. 9