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Go Pro with ChangeNOW

Sign up for ChangeNOW Pro to access more features: earn cashback, convert funds with reduced fees, perform AML address checks, and more.

Benefits awaiting you

Earn cashback

Make every exchange count with our Pro cashback program! Get cashback from every transaction you perform, starting from 0.1%. Save up your cashback, withdraw it, or spend it on whatever you want. The choice is yours!

Easily keep track of your previous exchanges with our user-friendly Transaction History feature. Accessible and simple, it's the perfect tool for monitoring your profits.

Make your funds work for you

  • 1

    Deposit funds to your Pro account and earn weekly rewards from automatic staking.

  • 2

    Watch your NOW (ETH) balance grow consistently without any effort.

Gain interest with unlimited crypto loans

Get an instant crypto loan to make maximum profit with your assets.

  • Unlimited loan terms
  • No monthly interest payments
  • Funds protection
  • Fixed LTV and APR
Learn more

Protect your funds from financial crimes

Stay safe with ChangeNOW's latest update – AML Service! By using this feature, you can check suspicious wallets for illegal activity. This security tool will help you protect your money from scammers.

Save on fees with off-chain swaps

Leverage the power of your account: top up your balance and enjoy a seamless experience of holding, converting, and withdrawing your funds with speed and security.

  • Fast and transparent operations
  • Off-chain conversions to any of 900+ currencies with reduced fees
  • Simple withdrawals without additional fees
  • Top security guaranteed

Choose your plan

ChangeNOW services are free for everyone. However, if you wish to explore all of our benefits and exclusive features, you may want to try out our paid crypto membership plans.



per month



0.2% cashback for exchange transaction


1 000 NOW limit for monthly cashback


1 Anti-Money Laundering check


NOW staking from 10 NOW


Unlimited crypto loans



per month



0.2% cashback for exchange transaction


30 000 NOW limit for monthly cashback


40 Anti-Money Laundering checks in a month


NOW staking from 10 NOW


Unlimited crypto loans


Own private webpageSoon to receive crypto payments in the DeFi



per month



0.3% cashback for exchange transaction


50 000 NOW limit for monthly cashback


Unlimited Anti-Money Laundering checks


NOW staking from 10 NOW


Unlimited crypto loans


Own private webpagesSoon to receive crypto payments with the unique domain name

ChangeNOW Loyalty Programme FAQ

How do I increase my cashback limit?

Easy as pie! You can increase your cashback limit up to 5 000 NOW without upgrading your VIP level. All you need to do is verify your ChangeNOW Pro account by passing the KYC procedure. Same rules apply for Emerald and Brilliant Levels. Identity verification increases your limit up to 100 000 NOW with Emerald level and up to 150 000 NOW with Brilliant level.

What are the conditions for receiving cashback?

Your cashback conditions depend on your Membership Level and range from 0.1% to 0.2% of your exchange turnover. Once you obtain Brilliant level, there is no limit for how much cashback you can earn.

How long does it take to receive a cashback payout?

Cashback payouts are generally processed within a few seconds. However, depending on the payment method and other factors, it may take up to two business days to receive your payout. If you have a deadline or an urgent need for your funds, please let us know and we will do our best to prioritize your payout accordingly. We strive to provide prompt and efficient service to all of our customers. If you have any concerns or questions about the status of your payout, feel free to contact us for an update.

How can I use the tokens I receive?

Here are a couple of options to choose from:
- If you choose to go with one of our paid plans, you can make the payments in NOW right from your balance;
- NOW Token is available for staking, feel free to try it out and earn additional profit;
- NOW Payments accepts NOW Token as a payment currency, so you can use it to purchase different goods and services;
- Swap it for BTC, USDT, and more through the ChangeNOW exchange service.

How do I access more features of my Pro account?

To discover more of our exclusive features, consider upgrading to one of our premium plans. In order to upgrade, you will need to have the equivalent of one month's payment in NOW Tokens in your account balance. Once you confirm your readiness to upgrade, the payment will be deducted from your balance. Subsequently, the same amount will be deducted monthly on the same date as the initial payment.

How is the price for paid plans calculated in NOW?

The amount in NOW is calculated based on the current USD exchange rate at the time of payment. The rate is updated each time a payment is deducted.

How do NOW Loans work?

NOW Loans from ChangeNOW is a secure and transparent lending service that allows you to take out a crypto loan in just a few minutes. With NOWLoans, you can take advantage of market volatility without having to sell your crypto assets. Collateral can be given in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and numerous other coins. If you wish to find out more about NOW Loans, feel free to consult NOW Loans FAQ

How does the AML service work?

ChangeNOW's AML service ensures that all transactions on the platform are legitimate and free from money laundering and other illegal activities. By applying AML procedures to certain clients and wallet addresses, the platform is able to detect and prevent suspicious transactions. VIP Level allows for 1 AML address check. Emerald Level gives you 40 checks. With Brilliant Level, you enjoy unlimited checks.

How long does it take to receive a cashback payout?

Cashback payouts are typically processed within a few seconds. If your transaction takes longer, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • Cryptocurrency updates. If a currency or network undergoes an update, it can be temporarily disabled on our platform. Once the asset is reenabled, your funds will be sent directly to you.
  • Overloaded blockchain. If there are too many transactions waiting to be included in the blockchain, yours may be waiting for its turn. This usually resolves automatically once the overload is over.
If you have any remaining questions on your transaction, feel free to contact our support so we could help you with anything.

What is Exchange Pro?

Exchange Pro offers easy off-chain conversions to over 900 currencies, providing reduced fees.
To access Exchange Pro and enjoy a seamless experience in managing, converting, and withdrawing your funds quickly and securely, all you need to do is top up your balance in your Pro account.

What is NOW staking?

Staking is a part of the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm. It is performed by delegating a part of the assets you are holding to the said algorithm which is usually done through the “staking pool”. Such a process ensures the security and efficiency of a chosen network.
NOW Token are automatically staked in your account. You no longer need to exchange between several services to enjoy crypto. All of your assets are kept in one place.

How to make money by NOW staking?

Deposit NOW tokens to your Pro account and earn weekly rewards from automatic staking.
Discover more about staking and its benefits here.

Made with ❤️ by ChangeNOW team