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ChangeNOW Cashback: Earn Crypto NOW!

Cashback is a smart and easy way to profit from your crypto exchanges. ChangeNOW offers its registered users up to 0.2% back from each transaction – the cashback is accrued in NOW tokens and can be withdrawn at any time.

All registered users can view their cashback balance in the personal account on ChangeNOW in the Benefits section, along with their history and the current cashback rate. The feature is also available in the ChangeNOW mobile app.

ChangeNOW Cashback Update

With the new update, the cashback amount will be displayed during the exchange – as you swap your assets, you can see how much crypto you are getting back for this particular transaction.

For ardent crypto users, we raised the upper cashback limit - up to 50.000 NOW tokens/month. Swap as much crypto as you like and gain more with ChangeNOW cashback feature!


ChangeNOW team

Exchange Crypto

Unlock the power of exchange with Pro features

  • 💸 Double Cashback
  • 🎁 Airdrop: $5000 prize pool
  • VIP plan for free
  • More benefits

Jan. 27 — Feb. 9