You can use our MBOX calculator to check the exact amount of coins you will get after the exchange is complete.
MOBOX (MBOX) Crypto Exchange
Access the best MBOX exchange rate on ChangeNOW and perform an instant conversion. No limits, accounts, or worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.
MBOX exchange FAQ
You can use our services to exchange MBOX for any of the 450+ cryptocurrencies available on our website. We do not require registration, have no limits for exchanges, and do not store your funds.
We offer two rate flows to purchase MBOX with, classic rate and fixed rate. Classic exchange rates may vary depending upon network fees, market rates, and other conditions, while fixed rate protects you from market fluctuations.
What is MOBOX and MBOX
MOBOX is a free-to-play-to-earn GameFi platform that combines yield farming and farming NFTs. It was launched in 2021 and the team behind is not yet publicly known however, in the platform's documentation it is noted that its team has been developing DApps since 2017. MOBOX’s main goal is to give back to its users by rewarding them for their engagement.
MOBOX prides itself in providing users with savings accounts which increases the number of resources you can access as you save more rather than charging its users for in-game assets. MOBOX also deploys yield farming smart contracts, called crates, that deliver the best yield for users. The MOBOX platform can also be used to create, exchange, and earn NFTs. MOBOX uses ERC721 and ERC1155 standards based on the Binance Smart Chain to decrease gas fees while generating unique NFTs called MOMOs. Also, an NFT bridging function is utilized to achieve true interoperability. It allows MOMOs created on the Binance Smart Chain to move across Ethereum and TRON blockchains.
Currently, the MOBOX platform is planning on releasing the MOBOX Chain. The MOBOX Chain will be an NFT POS blockchain network that is carbon neutral and governed by the in-game assets allowing for “near-instant” transactions.
Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with MBOX
MBOX price chart
Why exchange MBOX with ChangeNOW
- ChangeNOW is a non-custodial service, and we never control, store, or hold your funds in any way.
- Once you deposit your MBOX at the address, your exchange is complete within minutes.
- We offer MBOX exchange options along with a versatile range of other cryptocurrency assets to choose from.
- We don’t require you to sign up, remember passwords, or go through elaborate procedures to get what’s legitimately yours.
- We don’t believe in limiting you, your money, or your earning potential. Swap as much as you like – limits are not our thing.
How to Buy MBOX
You can buy MBOX on ChangeNOW with one of the 450+ crypto or 50+ fiat currencies by following the steps below:
Pick MBOX as the “You get” currency above.
Choose crypto or fiat currency to buy MBOX with.
Enter your MBOX wallet address.
Send your deposit to a one-time address.
Receive your exchanged coins in approximately 5 mins!
How to Sell MBOX
Swap MBOX coins for one of the assets in our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:
Pick MBOX as the “You Send” currency above.
Choose the asset you’d like to get for your MBOX.
Enter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to get.
Send your deposit to a one-time address.
Receive your exchanged coins in approximately 5 mins!