Klaytn (KLAY) Crypto Exchange

Instantly exchange Klaytn at the best KLAY exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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KLAY crypto explained

Klaytn (KLAY) crypto was developed by South Korean tech giant Kakao , a company initially known for a monopoly instant messaging app KakaoTalk. As it's often happening with large businesses, Kakao rapidly diversified its focus and started developing in various spheres, starting from online banking and ending with bike rentals. One of the steps of such diversification was creating own cryptocurrency, which was inspired by the first crypto bull run in 2017-2018. That's where the history of Klaytn (KLAY) started.

Due to heavy resistance from the local regulators, Kakao was forced to go in a long way to maintain their crypto. The company partnered with Dunamusoftware developers first and Bittrex cryptocurrency exchange for creating the UpBit exchange in South Korea. Then in early 2018, they've found a Japanese subsidiary called Ground X, which would develop the cryptocurrency Klaytn. So in late 2018, Kakao became able to host a Klaytn ICO, using its international subsidiary – Ground X – technically based in Japan. What’s interesting about Klaytn is its a hybrid blockchain that combines Proof of Work and Proof of Stake mechanisms under the PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus algorithm. The Klaytn network is also quite similar to the Ethereum in particular as it also supports smart contracts and blockchain dApps.

The utility of KLAY token within the blockchain is more or less the same as one of DIAM for Facebook. However, it got broader use as soon as it’s not limited to transferring stablecoins across the globe. Users can stake KLAY tokens using KAIKAS Web Wallet, or use it to pay fees within the blockchain.

How to buy KLAY

Users can buy KLAY on ChangeNOW for one of 450+ cryptocurrencies or 50+ fiat currencies:

Pick KLAY as the “You get” currency above

Choose crypto or fiat to buy KLAY with

Enter your Klaytn wallet address

Send your deposit to a one-time address

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

How to sell KLAY

Swap Klaytn coins for an asset from our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:

Pick KLAY as “You Send” currency above.

Choose the asset you’d like to get for your KLAY

Enter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to get

Send your deposit to a one-time address

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

KLAY to USD exchange

On ChangeNOW, you can swap Klaytn (KLAY) with any other crypto from the list; however, you are not limited to only crypt-to-crypto exchanges. Thanks to our third-party partners, like Simplex and Guardarian, you can buy or sell KLAY crypto directly using your fiat money on a bank account or credit card with Visa or MasterCard payment system. It’s as easy as a regular crypto-to-crypto swap. It doesn’t require registration and will be processed in a few minutes.

Reasons to exchange KLAY on ChangeNOW

  • ChangeNOW cares about your privacy and security. We are a non-custodial service, and we never control, store, or hold your funds in any way.
  • Once you deposit your funds on the address, your exchange is complete within minutes; why wait longer when you can spend your time on so many other essential things?
  • We offer you Bitcoin exchange options along with a versatile range of other cryptocurrency assets to choose from, and the list is constantly growing.
  • We don't require you to sign up, remember passwords, or go through elaborate procedures to get what's legitimately yours. Create a wallet and get, set, go!
  • We don't believe in limiting you, your money, or your earning potential. Swap as much as you like: limits are not our thing.

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