Celsius (CEL) Crypto Exchange
Instantly exchange Celsius at the best CEL exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.
CEL Market Data
Celsius Coin Price live, Market Cap and Supply
Celsius Price is $0.1113. Its current circulating supply is cel 37,720,111 with a market cap of $4,196,542.85.
$ 0.1113
$ 4,196,542.85
24h % PRICE
3.44 %
$ 819,294.85
7d % PRICE
6.73 %
37,720,111 CEL
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Why exchange Celsius (CEL) on ChangeNow
The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.
- 98%Triumph Rate🔥Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
- 5M
Satisfied Clients
- 3 minAverage Exchange Time
- 980Currencies available for exchange

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What is Celsius Coin (CEL)
Celsius is a decentralized lending platform that allows users to take out fiat loans with crypto assets as collateral. It originated in 2017 when Alex Mashinsky and S. Daniel Leon noted the plan for the project on a napkin. According to Celsius’ whitepaper, it aims to “legally replace Wall Street with blockchain” and reclaim control over the credit flow.
The Celsius network relies on two components in order to function: the Celcius platform and external exchange markets. The Celcius platform is responsible for facilitating secure trading and regulating the fees involved. And external exchange markets process the said trades and act as liquidity providers. CEL is an ERC-20 token that powers the Celcius network. Borrowers use Celsius coins to access the ability to take out a loan with cryptocurrency and collateral and can earn rewards for depositing their CEL tokens for lending.
On July 14th, Celcius announced that it has officially filed a petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, leaving many users with the question “what happened to Celsius crypto?”. As Celcius explains, this will allow it to reorganize and stabilize its business, maximizing the value for stakeholders. This also means that all of the withdrawals, swaps, and transfers have been paused for the time being.