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A Guide to Crypto Exchanges in NOW Wallet

Easily manage and trade cryptocurrencies with NOW Wallet. Learn how to exchange, buy, and sell crypto efficiently in just a few steps.

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Exchange in NOW Wallet works without any difficulties and can be completed with the following steps. Let’s take a deep dive into how you can exchange, buy, or sell your cryptocurrencies.

  1. Install NOW Wallet: it can be done from Google Play or App Store.
  2. Set Up Your Wallet, by following the instructions to create a new wallet. Make sure to back up your seed phrase securely.
  3. Access the Exchange Module: once your wallet is set up, go to the exchange feature by tapping on the “Exchange” button.
  4. Choose one of the options for exchange or buy/sell:


  • Click on the “Exchange” button to start.
  • Select the cryptocurrency you want to exchange from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the cryptocurrency you want to receive in return.
  • Click the “Exchange” button to confirm the transaction.


  • Tap on the “Buy/Sell” section in the app.
  • Select the coin you want to purchase and choose a payment method from the available providers.
  • Enter your card details and proceed with the payment.
  • The purchased coins will be credited to your balance in NOW Wallet shortly.

Based on the instructions provided above, one can efficiently manage cryptocurrencies using the comprehensive services offered by NOW Wallet.

Use ChangeNOW in NOW Wallet

Utilize one tool to store your valuable assets and trade them without having to launch different services. The cryptocurrencies can be easily swapped, or it can be bought with fiat fast and without exiting the app. Moreover, NOW Wallet allows you to keep your money on your device and does not perform the transactions itself, but provides that service through a secure connection.

AcademyTechChangeNOWNOW Wallet
Exchange Crypto

Unlock the power of exchange with Pro features

  • 💸 Double Cashback
  • 🎁 Airdrop: $5000 prize pool
  • VIP plan for free
  • More benefits

Jan. 27 — Feb. 9