우리는 고객에게 최상의 환율을 보장합니다
평균 환전 시간은 약 ⏱ 5분입니다
회원님의 개인 정보를 존중하고 자산을 통제하지 않는다
당사 숨길 게 없습니다. 예상 환율에는 모든 수수료가 포함되어 있으며, 이는 완전히 공정한 조건을 제공합니다.
회원님은 비자카드나 마스터카드를 사용하여 상장된 암호화폐 자산의 대부분을 명목화폐로 구매할 수 있다.
암호화폐를 $2부터 환전할 수 있습니다. 그 동시에 1000BTC를 환전하고 싶어도 환전 상한은 없습니다.
ChangeNOW에서는 거의 모든 상장된 화폐 페어가 있습니다. 심지어 가장 희귀한 조합도 찾을 수 있습니다.
변동환율을 선택하면 환전의 수익성이 높아지고 고정환율을 선택하면 예상한 금액을 정확히 얻을 수 있습니다.
당사는 어떠한 종류의 사기로부터도 사용자를 보호하기 위해 노력한다. 그렇기 때문에 실시간으로 모든 트랜잭션을 분석하는 자동화된 위험 방지 시스템을 사용합니다.
ChangeNOW is integrated into multiple cryptocurrency trading platforms, including Binance, Bitfinex, HTX, OKEx, and Kucoin. At the moment of the trade, we’ll choose the best exchange rate on the market at any given moment and offer it to you.
The processing speed ranges from about two to twenty minutes, depending on how long it takes for a block to happen in the network. Most orders process in just a few minutes. If the transaction is large (more than 1 BTC or equivalent), processing it may take a little longer, depending on the size of your transaction and the capacity of the block. We boast the highest exchange speeds on the market thanks to our revolutionary trading algorithms.
When you decide which crypto coin you would like to acquire, find a reliable wallet. Each cryptocurrency has an official one. When you create a wallet, you automatically get an address and a private key. Keep your private key to yourself and don’t show it to anyone, even if they ask.
For security reasons, we will never ask you for your private keys and nobody should.
Transactions on ChangeNOW usually take from 5 to 30 minutes. If your transaction takes more time, it may be due to various issues:
DDoS attacks. Unfortunately, such problems happen from time to time, but we are always happy to help you and solve any issues;
Cryptocurrency updates. We may update the client and disable some coins. As soon as we turn them back on, you will get your funds right away;
The blockchain is overloaded. Too many transactions are waiting to be included into the blockchain, and yours may wait for its turn, too. Sometimes you might have to wait a little longer.
During the classic flow, each transaction may have its own unique exchange rate because of rate fluctuations, market conditions, and network fees. The rate might change at any moment; as a result, you might receive more or less than you thought you would.
Implementing fixed rate exchanges leads us to lay down a small reserve to guarantee your safety from exchange rate fluctuations. It's included into the rate you will see at the beginning of the exchange, no other fees included.
Because of the rate risks we take, the fixed rate may differ from the classic flow's rate. However, it gives our customers confidence in the amount they will receive.
Yes, you can buy cryptocurrency with a USD/EUR card. This feature is brought to you by our third-party partner service, Simplex.
This feature is brought to you by our partners Guardarian, Simplex, Transak. The network fees are applied as usual depending on the currency.
Your card must comply with the requirements of our purchase provider, Simplex: the card must be issued by VISA or MasterCard. It may be a pre-paid (make sure to check if your pre-paid card is eligible for crypto-related purchases). Wire transfers, American Express and Discover cards are not accepted.