Crypto Exchange for Your Wallet

Make consistent profit by integrating crypto exchange into your wallet. Use our free API to expand your user base, improve their experience, and ensure better retention.
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900+ currencies
Fiat operations
Cross-chain swaps
Non-mandatory KYC
Wide amount range

Unlimited earnings potential

Receive profit for every crypto swap transaction your users make
  • Manage your revenue: Start with 0.4% and set your fee higher or lower as you wish
  • Customize your commission for specific assets, pairs or transaction methods
  • Withdraw your profit anytime: Available in 11 cryptocurrencies or fiat
  • Add new and popular assets for exchange and increase profit
  • Receive exclusive privileges depending on your transaction volume
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Globally trusted service

Give your customers a service they will appreciate and join ChangeNOW's community of satisfied partners, including Trezor, Exodus, Cake Wallet, Edge Wallet, D'cent etc.

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Reliable and flexible API

Designed to fit any business needs
  • See our detailed API documentation and do the integration in under one week
  • Adjust the API to any platform, website or app
  • Enjoy a stable service with 99% uptime
  • Get 24/7 multi-layered support and a personal manager to help you with any question
  • Save on maintenance costs while we cover everything
  • Enable two transaction flows and eliminate market volatility with Fixed Rate
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How to choose the best crypto wallet for you?

When choosing a crypto wallet, consider security features, supported cryptocurrencies, and user-friendliness. ChangeNOW offers a versatile crypto wallet app that is secure and supports multiple currencies, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced users.

What is the best crypto wallet for 2024?

The best crypto wallet for 2024 should offer top-notch security, multi-currency support, and easy integration with exchanges. ChangeNOW's crypto wallet excels in these areas, providing users with a seamless experience for storing and exchanging cryptocurrencies.

How to set up the ChangeNOW crypto wallet?

Setting up the ChangeNOW crypto wallet is simple: download the wallet app, create an account, and back up your recovery phrase. Our wallet ensures your crypto assets are secure and easily accessible.

What are the security features of the ChangeNOW crypto wallet?

The ChangeNOW crypto wallet includes robust security features such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure backup options. Our wallet is designed to keep your assets safe while offering convenient access.

What is the difference between a hardware wallet and a software wallet?

A hardware wallet is a physical device that stores your private keys offline for enhanced security, while a software wallet stores keys online or on your device. ChangeNOW's crypto wallet app provides high security with the convenience of a software wallet, suitable for everyday use and transactions.

Can I use the ChangeNOW crypto wallet for NFTs and DeFi?

Yes, the ChangeNOW crypto wallet supports NFTs and DeFi activities, allowing users to store and manage NFTs and interact with DeFi protocols. Our wallet integrates with various blockchain services to provide a comprehensive crypto management solution.

How does the ChangeNOW crypto wallet compare to other wallets?

The ChangeNOW crypto wallet stands out for its integration with the ChangeNOW exchange, allowing instant conversions and low fees. Our wallet is one of the best multi-currency wallets available, offering a seamless and secure experience for all users.

What are the benefits of using ChangeNOW's crypto wallet API?

ChangeNOW's crypto wallet API allows developers to integrate our secure wallet services into their applications, providing users with the ability to store, manage, and exchange cryptocurrencies effortlessly.

Contact us for assistance
To get in touch with our team, please complete the form below. We will respond to your request promptly.