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Toncoin (TON) Crypto Exchange

Instantly exchange Toncoin at the best TON exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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Why exchange Toncoin (TON) on ChangeNow

The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.

  • 98%Triumph Rate🔥
    Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
  • 5MstarSatisfied Clients
  • 3 minAverage Exchange Time
  • 980Currencies available for exchange
How it works?
Fast crypto exchange

Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with TON

  • Toncoin is the native cryptocurrency of the The Open Network blockchain platform, which was initially developed by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov. TON allows for fast and inexpensive transactions, smart contracts, dApps, and many decentralized services.

  • You can easily purchase Toncoin via ChangeNOW. Here is a step-by-step guide:

    1. Visit ChangeNOW’s website.
    2. Select the currencies:
    • In the “You Send” field, choose the cryptocurrency or fiat currency you want to exchange.
    • In the “You Get” field, select TON (Toncoin).
    1. Enter the amount you want to exchange and click Exchange.
    2. Provide your Toncoin wallet address when prompted. If you don’t have one, you can create a wallet using NOW Wallet.
    3. Confirm the transaction details and proceed to payment.
    4. Complete the payment using your selected currency.
    5. Once the exchange is processed, the Toncoin will be sent directly to your wallet.

    ChangeNOW makes the process fast and straightforward without requiring registration!

  • You can easily sell Toncoin via ChangeNOW. Here is a step-by-step guide:

    1. Visit ChangeNOW’s website.
    2. Select the currencies:
    • In the “You Send” field, choose TON (Toncoin).
    • In the “You Get” field, select the cryptocurrency or fiat currency you want to receive.
    1. Enter the amount of Toncoin you want to sell and click Exchange.
    2. Provide the wallet address where you want to receive the exchanged currency.
    3. Confirm the transaction details and proceed to transfer Toncoin to the address provided by ChangeNOW.
    4. Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, the exchanged currency will be sent directly to your wallet.

    ChangeNOW simplifies selling Toncoin with no registration required!

  • You can earn Toncoin through various methods:

    1. Staking: Stake your existing Toncoins in a validator node to help secure the network and earn rewards.
    2. Airdrops and Campaigns: Participate in promotional campaigns or TON-related airdrops.

  • Toncoin operates on The Open Network (TON) blockchain.

    The TON blockchain is highly scalable, decentralized, and fast, originally developed by Telegram. It uses the technology of sharding for efficiently processing millions of transactions per second. TON supports Toncoin for its native cryptocurrency used in transactions, staking, smart contracts, and different decentralized applications within the network. What is the future of Toncoin - read in our blog!

  • Check the price of one Toncoin on the ChangeNOW Toncoin swap page here.

  • The future of Toncoin looks promising, with its fast, scalable, and low-cost blockchain technology attracting growing interest for decentralized applications and payments. For a deeper dive into Toncoin future, check out the latest article on ChangeNOW!