Alchemy Pay (ACH) Crypto Exchange

Instantly exchange Alchemy Pay at the best ACH exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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What is Alchemy Pay crypto?

Alchemy Pay (ACH) is a hybrid cryptocurrency payment platform that aims to revolutionize the way we conduct transactions. The project was created to bridge the gap between the traditional fiat economy and the crypto industry. With Alchemy Pay, customers can use both crypto and fiat currencies to complete transactions and purchases, providing them with unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

One interesting feature of Alchemy Pay is its Crypto Virtual Card Service, which allows partners to issue branded customized Visa or Mastercards within their own apps. This enables users to use cryptocurrencies for online and offline transactions, expanding the practical usage of tokens in various consumption scenarios. Co-branding with Visa or Mastercard can also enhance a project's brand value and increase customer loyalty.

Another unique aspect of Alchemy Pay is its global reach. The platform operates globally and has partnerships with major payment channels such as Mastercard, Visa, Alipay, WeChat Pay, and Shopify. This ensures that customers can use Alchemy Pay's services no matter where they are located, making it a truly inclusive and accessible payment system.

The native token of Alchemy Pay is called ACH, and it serves various important functions within the ecosystem. It can be used for transactions, incentivizing users and merchants, and accessing exclusive features and discounts. This adds an additional layer of utility and value to the ACH token, making it more than just a means of payment.

How to Buy Alchemy Pay?

Users can buy ACH on ChangeNOW for one of 900+ cryptocurrencies or for 60+ fiat currencies:

Pick ACH as the “You get” currency above.

Choose crypto or fiat to buy ACH with.

Enter your recipient wallet address.

Send your deposit to a one-time address.

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

How to Sell Alchemy Pay?

Swap Alchemy Pay coins for an asset from our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:

Pick ACH as “You Send” currency above.

Choose the asset you’d like to get for your ACH.

Enter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to get.

Send your deposit to a one-time address.

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

Best ACH wallet