New Network and New NOW Capabilities
As you may know, the Binance BeaconChain (Bep-2) network is coming to the end of its life. Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure a seamless transition for holders of NOW BEP-2 tokens. Consequently, we have introduced NOW on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, with a cross-chain for the BEP-2 network. This transition not only saves your funds through the exchange to BEP-20 NOW but also unlocks new opportunities for further engagement within the ecosystem.
You can exchange your BEP-2 tokens for BEP-20 here:
Table of Contents
Advantages of the BSC network:
- Low fees: Especially compared to Ethereum, BSC is much cheaper. This makes Binance Smart Chain a practical option for users seeking cost-effective transaction solutions.
- High speed: Transaction processing speed is faster than the Binance BeaconChain network.
- Ethereum Compatible: BSC supports Ethereum compatibility, allowing users to use existing tools and applications.
- Growing Ecosystem: The BSC ecosystem is in its dawn stage, so the token will be able to leverage the network's capabilities.
We trust you are already considering the exchange of your BEP-2 tokens or the purchase of BEP-20. We did our best to make the conversion of BEP-2 NOW to BEP-20 as simple and comfortable as possible for you.
How to Exchange Tokens
You have several ways to exchange tokens:
- Log in to your ChangeNOW Pro account, exchange NOW tokens and receive cashback from the transaction in the amount of 0.1%. You can also stake your NOW tokens there.
- Transfer NOW BEP-2 tokens to NOW BSC directly in the ChangeNOW crypto exchanger.
- If you have NOW Wallet, then you can make an exchange right there. Don't have a NOW wallet yet? You can create crypto wallet in minutes!
Results and Prospects
By transitioning NOW tokens from the Binance BeaconChain (BEP-2) network to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with cross-chain compatibility, users are presented with a seamless and advantageous opportunity.
Moreover, the transition of the NOW token from the Beacon Chain network to the BSC network represents the first in a series of important events for the NOW token.
There will be new NOW events in the future that will make owning NOW more rewarding, so stay tuned for NOW news!