How to Exchange XMR to BTC
Coins and tokens exchange becomes super easy with ChangeNOW, the leading instant crypto exchange service and Monero trading platform. The platform supports more than 850 assets and doesn’t require to share any kind of personal info. This is how to exchange XMR to BTC in 4 easy steps.
How to exchange XMR to BTC in 4 easy steps:
- Choose your cryptocurrencies
- Enter the recipient address
- Confirm your transaction
- Make a deposit
Step 1. Choose your cryptocurrencies
Let’s start with the basics. The first thing to do is to go to ChangeNOW website’s main page. There, you want to find the list of supported currencies. Choose a coin to buy XMR with. To stick with the basics theme, let’s choose Bitcoin. Enter the number of Bitcoins that you are willing to trade and check in with our magical calculator. It will show you the estimated amount of Monero coins that you are going to get. Adjust the sum if necessary and press Next.
Step 2. Enter the recipient address
Proceed to the “Don’t have a crypto wallet yet?” option if you need to set up a new wallet that will support Monero. Then enter the address of the Monero wallet that will receive the exchanged XMR coins. After that, press Next.
Step 3. Confirm your transaction
Be careful on this step and check the entered info, especially the recipient address. Press Confirm. Bear in mind, that by pressing Confirm you are agreeing on the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of ChangeNOW platform.
Step 4. Make a deposit
On this page, you see the address of the wallet that will hold your deposited BTC coins. Please make the deposit manually or using a QR code. Done!
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