Safe (SAFE) Crypto Exchange

Instantly exchange Safe at the best SAFE exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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How to Buy Safe?

Users can buy SAFE on ChangeNOW for one of 700+ cryptocurrencies or for 50+ fiat currencies:

Pick SAFE as the “You get” currency aboveChoose crypto or fiat to buy SAFE withEnter your Safe wallet addressSend your deposit to a one-time addressReceive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

How to Sell Safe?

Swap Safe coins for an asset from our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:

Pick SAFE as “You Send” currency above.Choose the asset you’d like to get for your SAFEEnter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to getSend your deposit to a one-time addressReceive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!