Kusama is a blockchain platform that allows developers to run experiment projects that might later be released on the Polkadot blockchain. It was founded by the Polkadot creators, Gavin Wood, Peter Czaban, and Robert Habermeier, in 2016. The Kusama network is also where Polkadot upgrades are run before they are launched.
Kusama allows its users to develop two types of blockchains: the relay chain and parachains. The relay chain is the place where transactions take place and parachains validate the said transactions. Kusama encourages innovation provides its users with a fast iteration, advanced technology, low economic barrier, engaged community, and open governance. The open governance includes three types of users: the referendum chamber, which refers to all KSM token holders, the council, which is elected by the holders, and the technical committee, which mostly participates in the case of an emergency. KSM is the native token of the Kusama network and allows developers to test out their projects and blockchains with a real cryptocurrency.
In October 2021, Kusama held its most recent parachain auction. Parachain auctions are performed in a format of an unpermissioned candle auction where the auction is closed when a randomly selected amount of time runs out.