Shiba Inu (SHIB) crypto exchange

Instantly exchange Shiba Inu coin (ERC20) at the best SHIB exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Free of limits, accounts, and worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.

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SHIBA INU market overview: volumes, USD rate, and supply

SHIBA INU Price is $0. Its current circulating supply is shib 589,518,408,303,335 with a market cap of $8,913,859,893.95.


$ 0


$ 8,913,859,893.95

24h % PRICE

2.54 %


$ 284,154,395.02

7d % PRICE

15.14 %


589,518,408,303,335 SHIB

What is Shiba Inu crypto?

In August 2020, an anonymous person (or a group of people) named “Ryoshi” created the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency, which was projected to become a “Dogecoin killer.” The newborn cryptocurrency quickly gained speed and value thanks to tweets from well-known crypto users such as Vitalik Buterin and Elon Musk.

Oppositely to Dogecoin’s Scrypt-based mining, SHIBA INU was launched as an ERC-20 token, built upon the Ethereum blockchain with Proof-of-Work mining, migrating to a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. SHIB, like many other dog-inspired crypto-assets, attracted the attention of potential investors. 50% of the total supply was locked in Uniswap and another half was “burnt’ to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Buterin burnt 40% of the coin’s total supply after making a $1 billion worth SHIB donation to India’s Covid-19 Relief Fund. Even though it originated as a meme coin, today it is a massive project with a vibrant ecosystem surrounding it. The project developed its own Shibaswap DEX with two additional tokens – LEASH and BONE; each one serving the specific needs of either DEX or Doggy DAO. Moreover, the coin's team invites dog-inspired artists worldwide to their Shiba Inu Incubator – a place for incentivizing the NFT market.

On June 3, 2022, a Brazilian football club, São Paulo FC, announced that from now users can purchase tickets for games using several cryptocurrencies, one of them being SHIB.

How to buy SHIB?

Users can buy SHIB on ChangeNOW for one of 850+ cryptocurrencies or 50+ fiat currencies:

Pick SHIB as the “You get” currency above

Choose crypto or fiat you wish to exchange

Enter your receiver wallet address

Send your deposit to a one-time address

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

How to sell SHIB?

Swap SHIBA INU coins for an asset from our rich crypto selection by following the steps below:

Pick SHIB as “You Send” currency above

Choose the asset you wish to get

Enter the wallet address of the coin you’d like to get

Send your deposit to a one-time address

Receive your exchanged coins in ~5 mins!

SHIB to USD exchange

On ChangeNOW, you are not limited to exchanging one crypto for another. You can buy or sell SHIB with a bank account or Visa/MasterCard credit card. You still don't need to sign up, even when you need to cash out. With ChangeNOW, you will get the best possible exchange rates, and only the required minimum of fees.

Exchange SHIB on ChangeNOW

  • Using ChangeNOW is safe. It's a non-custodial service, meaning we don't store or hold your assets at any time.
  • ChangeNOW provides fast transactions that take two minutes on average.
  • ChangeNOW is versatile, and we always look to improve our service, satisfy our customers, and expand our cryptocurrency portfolio.
  • There is no need to register if you're looking to trade any crypto-asset on ChangeNOW. All you need is a wallet address.
  • Trade for as much as you want! There is no upper limit to use our service, and we will complete the transaction no matter how large the amount.

Best crypto wallet for Shiba Inu


  • You can check out SHIB price in USD at the top of this page. However, the price displayed does not consider the network and service fees that are charged during the exchange. You can input the amount of SHIB tokens you want to buy in our SHIB calculator to know the exact amount you will get after the exchange is complete.

  • You can exchange SHIBA INU for any of the 450+ supported cryptocurrencies on ChangeNOW. We offer an instant and user-friendly process to exchange SHIB with other coins and tokens. If you're not convinced yet, we don't need you to register, have no limits for exchanges, and never store your funds.

  • ChangeNOW offers two rate flows to buy SHIB with – both offer the lowest fees on the market. Our customers can use the classic rate or the fixed rate at the time of buying SHIB. In classic flow, exchange rates may fluctuate depending upon network fees, market rates, and other conditions. With fixed-rate, we lay a small reserve to protect our customers from market fluctuations – that way, the rate you see at the beginning of the exchange is guaranteed to stay the same until the end.

  • Check out ChangeNOW’s Instant Mobile Exchange and swap SHIB at the best Shiba Inu rate. The app is available on all platforms.