Aragon (ANT) 交換

ChangeNowで最高 ANT 為替レートで Aragon を即座に交換してください。制限、アカウント、心配はありません。大切なことに時間とエネルギーを費やして、残りを処理します。

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What Is Aragon?

Aragon (ANT) is an open source operating system. It is designed for companies to be able to implement blockchain in business, although there will be a certain share of centralization.

The developers laid Ethereum as the foundation of the Aragon system, and adapted it to work with all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux and MacOS. Any key decisions will be made solely by user voting.

Specialists offer their product to solve the main accounting problems with the help of blockchain. In particular, companies will be able to use Aragon to calculate taxes, employees' wages, maintain accounting records, as well as to make various payments. The system has its own cryptocurrency, which received the designation ANT. The operating system is designed to optimize the staff of organizations.

Aragon の購入方法?


ピック ANT上記の「あなたが得る」通貨として暗号化またはフィアットを選択してください ANT で購入Aragon財布の住所を入力送信一回限りの住所へのデポジット」受け取りあなたの交換コインを〜5分で!

Aragon の売り方?

以下の手順に従って,豊富な暗号選択から Aragon コインをアセットと交換してください:

ピック ANT上記の"送信" 通貨としてANTのために取得したい資産を選択取得したいコインのウォレットアドレスを入力してください送信一回限りの住所へのデポジット」受け取るあなたの交換コインを約5分で!