Buy BONK (SOLANA) with Credit Card or Debit Card Instantly

Do you want to buy BONK (SOLANA) instantly using your credit or debit card? You have arrived at the right place.

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BONK (BONK) Price Chart

Market stats

Market Rank
Market Cap
$ 1 372 570 961.49
24H Volume
$ 119 483 242.37
24H High
$ 0
Circulating Supply
93 017 782 857 181.55 BONK
USD iconicon-usd
bonk iconicon-bonk

BONK Price Performance

BONK currently trades at roughly $0.00002 and has -19% over the past seven days. There are currently about 93,017,782,857,181.55 BONK tokens in circulation. As a decentralized currency, you can trade BONK freely without relying on traditional finance systems.

How to Buy BONK with a Credit or Debit Card

ChangeNOW is one of the most popular platforms for trading cryptocurrency. You can use it to purchase BONK with your credit/debit card, and you don’t even need to register to do that. It works with any card powered by Visa or Mastercard.

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Сhoose Buy/Sell Crypto

Choose the fiat currency and enter the amount.

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Enter Your Details

Select BONK and enter your credit or debit card details.

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Complete the Purchase

Preview your transaction details and confirm the purchase.

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Buy BONK Using ChangeNOW Mobile App

Download the ChangeNOW mobile app and purchase BONK seamlessly; instant conversion and no transaction limits. You do not even need to register an account.

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Why Buy BONK on ChangeNOW


Flexible KYC system

Our platform requires minimal personal information, allowing you to engage in cryptocurrency exchanges with ease, efficiency, and an emphasis on privacy. Some of the transactions don’t require any KYC at all.


A Broad Range of Fiat Currencies

Our platform supports over 60 fiat currencies, including popular ones like the United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euros, etc.


Fast Purchase

Benefit from rapid transaction processing on our advanced platform, enabling swift settlements and the acquisition of BONK tokens in as little as 4 minutes. Prioritizing efficiency, user satisfaction, and unparalleled speed in digital asset exchanges.


Multiple Gateways

Experience seamless purchasing BONK, choosing a variety of secure payment gateways, accepting popular debit and credit cards, and the added convenience of SWIFT/SEPA bank transfers.


Low Transaction Fees

Experience the advantage of our user-friendly buy BONK platform, offering affordable transaction fees, diverse trading options, and a secure environment, all designed to optimize your digital asset investments.


Easy to Use

Discover seamless trading with ChangeNOW's intuitive interface, expertly designed for effortless navigation and user-friendly experience, empowering both new and seasoned investors to manage their crypto with ease. Buy BONK in just a few clicks.

USD to BONK Converter

Use this tool to know the real-time market rate for buying BONK with the U.S. dollar:


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What Can You Do After You Buy BONK (SOLANA)?

There are many things you can do after buying BONK. They include:


You can lend your tokens on a centralized or decentralized lending protocol and earn interest after a specific period. Different protocols offer different interest rates and lending periods, so check for a suitable one.


Swap your BONK for another coins to diversify your portfolio.


You can hold it as a store of value. BONK has the potential to appreciate further, given it is still significantly below its peak price.


Many businesses and service providers now accept cryptocurrency as payment. You can use your BONK to pay for stuff, e.g., book a hotel accommodation or flight ticket, purchase clothing, gadgets, accessories, etc.


    1. Head to Choose BONK as the token you want to buy and select the fiat currency to pay for it.

    2. Enter the wallet address where you will receive your BONK.

    3. Confirm the details of the transaction.

    4. Choose a payment gateway and enter your credit card details to pay for it.

    5. Once the payment is confirmed, you will receive BONK in your specified wallet within 10 minutes.

  • The average transaction on ChangeNOW takes 5 minutes to settle. At most, expect to receive the tokens in your wallet within 10 minutes of payment.

  • Yes, it is safe because this exchange has advanced security features such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. We also don’t keep custody over users’ assets, so you retain full control.

  • Yes, you can buy BONK with a debit card on ChangeNOW. Just choose the payment gateway you want, enter the card details, and proceed with the payment.

  • Yes, you can use a prepaid card to acquire BONK the same way you would with a debit card. Select a gateway, enter the card details, and confirm the payment.

  • You can pay for BONK or any other token using a bank transfer. However, this method may take longer than the others.

  • Yes, Apple Pay and Google Pay are among the payment gateways we support. They enable you to make payments instantly when downloading the iOS or Android mobile app for ChangeNOW.

  • You can buy it with over sixty fiat currencies, including the U.S. Dollar, Euros, British Pounds, Hong Kong dollars, etc.

  • 1 BONK token currently trades for about $0.00002, according to CoinMarketCap. The coin is +35.0291% year-to-date.

  • You can store it in offline cold storage or a digital wallet accessible online. The NOW wallet is a good example of a digital wallet to keep your tokens securely.

  • You can purchase at least $2 worth of BONK on this exchange. We may not be able to complete the transaction below that.

Buy BONK (SOLANA) Instantly with ChangeNOW

ChangeNOW allows you to buy BONK instantly using your credit/debit card or another token.


Other Cryptocurrencies to Buy on ChangeNOW

BONK is not the only token you can purchase on ChangeNOW. Others include BTC, USDT, XRP, ADA, USDC, etc.