Kyber Network (KNC) 交易所
立即以最优惠的价格 KNC 兑换 ChangeNOW. 没有限制,注册和麻烦. 将您的时间和精力花在重要事项上 —— 我们将承担其余的事情.
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What Is Kyber Network?
Kyber Network is an on-chain liquidity protocol that aggregates liquidity from a wide range of reserves, powering instant token exchange in any dApp.
Anyone can operate as a Kyber reserve to earn spreads on transactions and make their own tokens available for other users, dApps, and financial platforms within the ecosystem.
KNC token facilitates the smoothness of operations on the network and connects its users. For example, 3rd party token reserves are required to purchase KNC to pay for their activities in the network. Fees are also taken in KNC.