Dai (DAI) 交易所
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What is DAI?
In 2017, at the peak of the popularity of blockchain-based services, the Maker platform was launched. It is designed to work on decentralized applications: their development, storage and distribution to users. At the same time, the team launched two types of coins - Maker and DAI. The first cryptocurrency is more of a standard one and is used to develop its own exchange. The second coin is more interesting.
DAI is a stablecoin that should solve the problem of high volatility of crypto assets. Maker specialists tied it to the us dollar (USD) with the ratio of 1:1. It is impossible to mine coins, the DAI coin total supply is already set, but they can be obtained in a special way on the platform itself.
The idea of DAI is very similar to Tether, but it has key differences that cause more trust in DAI stablecoin from the community.