Power Ledger (POWR) 교환

창제노우 최고의 POWR 환율로 Power Ledger 을 즉시 교환하십시오. 제한, 계정 및 걱정이 없습니다. 중요한 일에 시간과 에너지를 할애하십시오. 나머지는 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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What Is Power Ledger?

Power Ledger is an Australian company which focuses on renewable energy products and services. One of such products is Power Ledger blockchain platform developed with the aim to provide consumers an unrestricted access to renewable energy. It's also a P2P energy trading solution.

The platform operates on two blockchain layers and has dual-token model of functioning (publicly traded POWR and an internal Sparkz). The company has already established working partnerships with energy providers in different countries/continents.

POWR token acts as a fuel required to maintain the functioning of Power Ledger platform. It provides users access to the products of the ecosystem, loyalty rewards and priority for events. POWR token also generates Sparkz, an internal coin utilised exclusively on the platform. POWR will also connect charities with businesses.
