Ethereum Classic (ETC) 교환

창제노우 최고의 ETC 환율로 Ethereum Classic 을 즉시 교환하십시오. 제한, 계정 및 걱정이 없습니다. 중요한 일에 시간과 에너지를 할애하십시오. 나머지는 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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What is Ethereum Classic?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a cryptocurrency positioning itself as the main competitor and the main antagonist of Ethereum. The story of its appearance is connected with a number of scandals that haunted Ethereum in 2016. It was then that there was a series of hacks, because of which there were shortcomings in the security system of the cryptocurrency. The result was the theft of part of the investment of the DAO. After further events, the patience of some supporters came to an end.

As a result of the incident with the DAO, 3.6 million ETH were stolen, which corresponds to $50 million at the rate at that time. Vitalik Buterin suggested a full rollback of the system and its restart, which would help to return the stolen funds. However, part of the community did not support this idea and decided to separate. On July 20, 2016, an Ethereum hard fork occurred, as a result of which a separate branch separated from the blockchain, which was called Ethereum Classic.

In fact, ETC is the authentic Ethereum version. Initially, the ETC crypto produced a huge boom on the market. Now it remains quite popular. Ether Classic mining is provided on the same principles as Ethereum, with minor differences.

Ethereum Classic 을 (를) 구입하는 방법?

사용자는 450+ 개 이상의 암호 화폐 중 하나 또는 50+ 피아트 통화 중 하나에 대한 ChangeNOW에 ETC 구입할 수 있습니다:

위의 "당신이 얻을"통화로 "선택 ETC선택 암호화 또는 피아트와 함께 ETC 구입엔터 Ethereum Classic 지갑 주소보내기 일회성 주소로 입금수신 ~ 5분 만에 교환된 코인!

Ethereum Classic 을 (를) 판매하는 방법?

아래 단계에 따라 우리의 풍부한 암호화 선택에서 자산에 대한 Ethereum Classic 동전을 교환 :

선택 ETC 위의 "당신이 보내는" 통화로.선택 ETC 위해 얻고 싶은 자산시작하다 당신이 얻고 싶은 동전의 지갑 주소보내기 일회성 주소로 입금5 분 안에 교환 된 동전을 받으십시오!