Ardor (ARDR) 交換

ChangeNowで最高 ARDR 為替レートで Ardor を即座に交換してください。制限、アカウント、心配はありません。大切なことに時間とエネルギーを費やして、残りを処理します。

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What Is Ardor?

The Ardor cryptocurrency (ARDR) is a project developed by the NXT blockchain team. The platform was created to simplify the integration of crypto assets into the business, its main task is to facilitate the exchange of digital money for companies. Experts have released a new version of NXT, which successfully solved several key problems. In particular, we are talking about scalability and bloat blocks.

The basis of the platform is the Ardor token. It has the role of maintaining the blockchain and issuing coins to transaction fees, which is equivalent to mining on the mechanism of Proof-of-Stake, provided in NXT. The service is equipped with a number of tools that simplify its work for business and improve the functionality compared to the previous version.

Hardware mining for cryptocurrency is not provided. Digital money can be obtained in ways that are provided by the implemented algorithm Proof-of-Stake. The ARDR emission is strictly limited to counteract inflation. Only the platform managers can issue new Ardor (ARDR) coins on the basis of voting results.

Ardor の購入方法?


ピック ARDR上記の「あなたが得る」通貨として暗号化またはフィアットを選択してください ARDR で購入Ardor財布の住所を入力送信一回限りの住所へのデポジット」受け取りあなたの交換コインを〜5分で!

Ardor の売り方?

以下の手順に従って,豊富な暗号選択から Ardor コインをアセットと交換してください:

ピック ARDR上記の"送信" 通貨としてARDRのために取得したい資産を選択取得したいコインのウォレットアドレスを入力してください送信一回限りの住所へのデポジット」受け取るあなたの交換コインを約5分で!