

ChangeNOW是一种简单快速的即时加密货币交换服务。 您无需注册,您的交换没有限制。 我们为您快速兑换905多个硬币,而无需收取任何额外费用或隐藏费用。

ChangeNOW集成到多个加密货币交易平台,包括币安,Bitfinex和Bittrex。 我们还与几个交换伙伴合作。 我们在任何特定时刻选择市场上最优惠的汇率并提供给您。。

ChangeNOW是由经验丰富的区块链开发人员团队创建的,也是一个完全安全的服务,有一个特点 - 我们完全免注册。 这使我们的客户避免身份识别或财务盗窃。 我们使用可靠的加密货币交易平台而提供市场上最优惠的价格。

Cryptocurrency Exchange Process

处理速度范围:2 到20分钟,具体取决于块在网络中发生的时间。 大多数订单只需几分钟 即可完成。 如果交易量很大(超过1 BTC 或相同),可能需要更长的时间,具体取决于您的交易规模和块的容量。 凭借我们创新的的交易算法,我们拥有市场上最高的交换速度

加密货币钱包地址是数字和字母的唯一组合,长度从26 到35个字符串。通常看起来像这样:17bkZPLB4Wn6F347PLZBR34ijhzQDUFZ4ZC。

当您决定要购买哪种加密货币时,找一个可靠的加密货币钱包。 每个加密货币都有一个官方加密货币钱包。 创建钱包时,您自动获得地址和私钥。 保留您的私钥,不要向任何人透露私钥,即使他们要求。


如果你想购买加密货币,你需要把货币存放在一个特定的加密钱包。 任何加密有它自己一个。 收件人地址是你的加密货币钱包, 交换后加密转移到加密钱包。

交易的哈希(也称为“TX”),是在区块链中注册每个交易的唯一标识代码。 此唯一代码在区块链中允许验证其状态和有效性。

区块链操作是不可逆转的。 如果资金被发送,任何人就不能取消交易。 因此,发送之前彻底检查所有的付款细节。

需要一些时间处理交易。 由于加密货币高波动性时的速度是至关重要的,但是最终的汇率可能不同:积极或消极的方向。 我们保证在交流操作时间这是最好的比率。

The process of exchanging crypto consists of many different steps, and during those steps, various fees are charged.

These are the possible ones:

  • network fee for the deposit transaction from a customer's wallet;
  • network fee for transferring coins to our liquidity provider;
  • trading fees that our liquidity providers charge;
  • network fee for sending the exchanged funds to the customer.

The fees vary depending on the currency and the exchange amount. For every swap, ChangeNOW finds the fastest and most user-profitable way to execute an exchange. It is crucial to us that the final amount you receive is as close to the estimate as possible. That's why we calculate all the possible fees for every transaction very thoroughly and include them in the estimate.

ChangeNOW上的交易平常需要5到30分钟。 如果您的交易需要更多的时间,可能是由于各种问题:

  • DDoS攻击。 不幸的是,这些问题有时发生,但我们总是很乐意地帮助您并解决任何问题;
  • 加密货币更新。 我们可能会更新客户端并禁用一些硬币。 一旦我们重新开启,您就可以立即获得资金;
  • 区块链超载。 如果太多交易等待加入到区块链,您的交易也可能在等待。 有时您可能需要等待一段时间。

ChangeNOW上的加密货币交换没有限制。 但是,进行交易,区块链会自动收取网络费用。 发送的金额必须足以支付所有网络费用。

If you send in an asset that is not supported on ChangeNOW (full list of supported assets is available here), unfortunately, we won’t be able to guarantee a refund. Please keep this in mind to make sure your funds are safe at all times.

A classic rate cryptocurrency exchange is an exchange performed at the current most profitable rate on the market. An expected rate is the current exchange rate you will get. However, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and you should account for that.

During the classic rate exchange, each transaction may have its own unique exchange rate because of price fluctuations, market conditions, and network fees. The rate might change at any moment; as a result, you might receive more or less than you thought you would.

The expected rate is the rate at this exact moment. You must understand that it takes some time to send the deposit and confirm the transaction so, with the market volatility, you might get a bit less or more than you thought you would.


In some cases, fixed-rate exchanges have lower rate but the opposite is also possible.

在标准流程中,由汇率波动,市场条件和网络费用,每个交易可能都有自己不同的汇率。 汇率可能随时变化; 因此,您可能会得到比您想的更多或更少。


由于我们的费率风险,固定汇率可能与标准流量的汇率不同。 但是,这使我们的客户对获得的金额充满信心。

您创建一个交易并存款。 您有20分钟存入您的交换资金; 在此时间内,我们保证费率不会改变。 您收到显示给您的确切金额。

You may choose the fixed rate flow if you would like to be certain that the amount of crypto you'll receive will stay the same, no matter what. With fixed rate exchanges, our users enjoy the stability of their conversions and are safe from sudden rate drops.

In some cases, fixed-rate exchanges have lower rate but the opposite is also possible.

意思是 - 某些交易对的交易是通过我们的合作伙伴进行的。 这些交换与ChangeNOW常规的交换没有太大区别,但是,您可能需要记住以下几点:

  • 在这些情况下,我们不会进行任何KYC (了解你的的客户)检查。 但是我们的合作伙伴可能进行;
  • 请注意,我们合作其他的服务可能有与我们不同的KYC政策;
  • 但是,我们通过第三方服务进行交流并不意味着我们放弃了对交换的责任。 如果您在交换期间遇到任何问题,请通知我们支持团队,我们会在最短的时间内帮助您。



ChangeNOW使用自动风险管理系统来检查所有交易。 每个交易单独检查。 根据欧洲反洗钱(AML)指令、了解自己的客户(KYC)规定和平台要求,我们要求您扫描您所在国家/地区有效的身份证件,以及资金来源有关的一些其他信息。

The Bitcoin Cash hard fork has resulted in creating multiple chains. However, as they are not secured by replay protection technologies, there is a chance of double-spending affecting both chains (BCH/BSV or BCH/BCHA). It means that transactions made with one of these coins may be replicated for the other.

In such a case, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We will do our best to refund you within 24 hours. Still, we have to warn you that in some extremely rare circumstances there may be no chance of getting the funds back. The best way to avoid it is to split your coins: please make sure you did it before arranging a transaction.

Please keep in mind that our deposit addresses for BTC conform to the SegWit standard. It's technically impossible for ChangeNOW to withdraw any coins except for BTC from SegWit BTC addresses since neither BCH, LTC, or BSV support SegWit at the moment. When it comes to refunds, note that ChangeNOW’s technical department is able to refund only BTC from SegWit BTC addresses. No other crypto assets, including but not limited to LTC, BSV, BCH sent to a SegWit BTC address could be refunded.

Buy Crypto With Fiat

Yes, you can buy cryptocurrency with a USD/EUR card. This feature is brought to you by our third-party partner service, Simplex.

This feature is brought to you by our partners Guardarian, Simplex, Transak. The network fees are applied as usual depending on the currency.

It is a requirement of our crypto purchase provider, Simplex. The amount is chosen based on the network fees and some extra expenses that they cover for you.

Yes, there are some. The purchase must be up to $20000; the daily purchase limit is $20000 and the monthly purchase limit is $50000 per person.

This is the solution that we’ve come up with to provide our customers with a wider range of the coins that you can buy with a bank card — as our provider Simplex supports fewer currencies for direct purchase. We are disclosing this, so you have a better understanding of what fees are charged during the transaction.

Your card must comply with the requirements of our purchase provider, Simplex: the card must be issued by VISA or MasterCard. It may be a pre-paid (make sure to check if your pre-paid card is eligible for crypto-related purchases). Wire transfers, American Express and Discover cards are not accepted.

Yes, you can. There are several requirements from our fiat purchase provider, Simplex: your pre-paid card must be eligible for international transactions; it must be enrolled to the 3DSecure program; your pre-paid card issuer must allow cryptocurrency-related transactions.


加密市场受一些规则和法规的约束条件,这使大多数加密服务必须实施AML(反洗钱) / KYC (了解你的客户)程序。

ChangeNOW致力于保护我们的客户免受加密世界中任何类型的诈骗和欺诈活动的影响,并遵守当前的所有规则和规定,KYC(料机你的客户) / AML(反洗钱)程序是使我们能够这样做的方法之一。


ChangeNOW的AML / KYC程序有自动风险防范系统支持。 如果交易被该系统标记为可疑,该交易暂停,然后要求客户确认他的身份。

系统采用了一系列标准; 然而,它们不能公开,否则会有人试图滥用这些标准来欺骗算法。


每个KYC案例都是单独处理的。 如果某个客户有资格参与该程序,可是他们的交易被标记为可疑,他们会在交换提交后通过弹出通知被告知而要求联系支持团队。 我们为KYC客户应用一套标准程序,其中包括要求客户提交以下内容:

ChangeNOW is partnered with a KYC provider called SumSub. In order to get your identity verified, you will be offered to follow SumSub’s link (it will be under the Verify button) and complete the verification through a comfortable and smooth UI. You will have 3 days to complete the verification procedure, and if you don’t want to pass KYC, you can refuse (in that case, please shoot a message to [email protected]) and receive a refund.

ChangeNOW 收到以下材料后,交换完成,然后将交换的资金发送到指定的收件人钱包地址。

我们尽力保持遵纪守法的交换服务的声誉,无论是不经常进行加密交易的人还是经验丰富的交易员,任何人都可以安全使用我们服务; 因此,ChangeNOW 保留某些客户、钱包地址和选择资产应用KYC / AML程序的权利。

ChangeNOW不支持任何洗钱或其他非法活动; 因此,该服务不会与参与怀疑活动的个人或商业实体签订任何商业协议。

如果客户由于某些原因不想透露本人身份并拒绝提供文件,则KYC / AML程序将交易视为失败,然后存入的资金退还到存款的地址, 在24小时内扣除网络费用。 然后,ChangeNOW保留将此地址列入黑名单的权利,从而取消在网上存款的资格。

如果客户提交了假的的文件,KYC / AML程序将交易视为失败, 然后在24小时内将存入的资金退还到存款的地址, 扣去网络费用。 然后,ChangeNOW保留将此地址列入黑名单的权利,从而取消在服务上存款的资格。

请注意,如果收到相应的请求,ChangeNOW保留将所有收到的材料提交给法律机构(国际刑警组织,欧洲刑警组织和其他机构)的权利。 您可以关注官方阅读ChangeNOW的反洗钱/打击恐怖主义融资合规控制规则此处




If you’re the victim of theft and you suspect that stolen funds have been transferred to a ChangeNOW deposit address, you must open a support ticket and provide us with the following information:

  • A detailed description of how and when the theft happened.
  • A list of all the blockchain transactions and addresses involved in the process (with clickable links).
  • The Information about the initiated proceedings with the local or international Law Enforcement.

If there is substantial evidence that suggests the funds were indeed stolen, ChangeNOW will do its best to temporarily freeze the assets. During the process, the police or Law Enforcement must provide us with a report on the ongoing case within 14 days after you submitted a support ticket.

Kindly note that we will be able to return frozen funds only per request of a Law Enforcement Authority. The request should have a clear intent to return the funds and have the information about the transaction in question.

The hard copy of the request should be sent to our postal address: Newtonlaan 115, Utrecht, 3584 BH, Netherlands. Please send a digital copy of the request to [email protected] before sending the hard one.

Please note that the transaction might be stopped after the trading stage, depending on the time the report about stolen funds was received. In such cases, we will be able to return the funds in the asset to which the exchange was made (to-currency).

For Partners

是的,您可以加入我们的联盟程序,并获得0.4%您喜欢的资金。 以下是详细的指示