AdEx (ADX) 交易所
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What Is AdEx?
No wonder they say that advertising is the engine of trade. That is why people invest tens of millions of dollars, to make then a profit of hundreds of millions. The era of blockchain has greatly helped advertisers in this regard. There were several convenient platforms for promoting your own brand. AdEx is one of them.
AdEx (ADX) is a decentralized platform for advertising with its own AdEx token. It is primarily used to promote business in the entertainment industry, as well as to watch streaming video. The goal of developers is to compete with such industry giants as Google AdSense. The main advantage over the competitors is the ability to use the smart contract technology.
The total issue of AdEx coins amounted to 100 million cryptocurrencies. At the same time, 80 million of ADX are in circulation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to mine the ADX cryptocurrency. The developers have not provided this option.