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Nano (XNO) Tausch

Tauschen Sie sofort Nano zum besten XNO Wechselkurs auf ChangeNow aus. Frei von Limits, Konten und Sorgen. Verbringen Sie Ihre Zeit und Energie für das, was wichtig ist - wir kümmern uns um den Rest.

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What is Nano?

Nano (NANO) is a peer-to-peer digital currency arguably built for the modern world. The token is backed by the Nano Foundation, and it is a decentralized, secure and sustainable crypto payment system with virtually no fees.

The network is able to facilitate fast transactions with no fees by virtue of the Block Lattice, a system wherein all accounts have their own blockchain and instead of allowing for competitions on a central chain.

Nano uses the Open Representative Voting (ORV) consensus mechanism, and the protocol places no reliance on mining to generate the coins as all of the distribution of Nano has been completed and the protocol has a maximum supply of 133,248,297 NANO.
