Ravencoin (RVN) 교환

창제노우 최고의 RVN 환율로 Ravencoin 을 즉시 교환하십시오. 제한, 계정 및 걱정이 없습니다. 중요한 일에 시간과 에너지를 할애하십시오. 나머지는 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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What is Ravencoin?

Ravencoin is a blockchain KAWPOW-powered network that aids transferring the assets from one party to another. Its protocol is aimed at enabling more decentralized mining. It is based on a Bitcoin code fork and is associated with the RVN token. It is a community-driven one: this is why Ravencoin keeps growing and gaining traction.

In some aspects, Ravencoin is significantly different from Bitcoin: its block time is about 1 minute instead of 10 minutes for Bitcoin (BTC). The total supply of Ravencoin is pegged at 21 billion tokens as against 21 million for Bitcoin. The block reward is 5,000 RVN compared to the 50 BTC: Ravencoin mining appears to be quite attractive for miners.

In a couple of years, the first halving is expected to happen and reduce the block reward to 2,500 RVN. Will this Ravencoin halving influence its exchange rate? Many wonder if it’s going to be so, especially against the background of the variety of factors contributing to the exchange rate calculations. As we know, the rates are calculated in view of the assets participating in the swap and their current liquidity on the market we trade it on, the sum in question and the network fees involved in the process. Still, even in case of the first Ravencoin halving dramatically influencing its rates, the exchanges hope to do their best to provide the most profitable options for their clientele.

Ravencoin 을 (를) 구입하는 방법?

사용자는 450+ 개 이상의 암호 화폐 중 하나 또는 50+ 피아트 통화 중 하나에 대한 ChangeNOW에 RVN 구입할 수 있습니다:

위의 "당신이 얻을"통화로 "선택 RVN선택 암호화 또는 피아트와 함께 RVN 구입엔터 Ravencoin 지갑 주소보내기 일회성 주소로 입금수신 ~ 5분 만에 교환된 코인!

Ravencoin 을 (를) 판매하는 방법?

아래 단계에 따라 우리의 풍부한 암호화 선택에서 자산에 대한 Ravencoin 동전을 교환 :

선택 RVN 위의 "당신이 보내는" 통화로.선택 RVN 위해 얻고 싶은 자산시작하다 당신이 얻고 싶은 동전의 지갑 주소보내기 일회성 주소로 입금5 분 안에 교환 된 동전을 받으십시오!