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    Tidak ada kecocokan yang ditemukan untuk kueri Anda

1 LMR ~ ... XCUR
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    Tidak ada kecocokan yang ditemukan untuk kueri Anda

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Masukkan XCUR alamat pembayaran
Nama protokol FIO didukung

Tips berguna untuk diketahui

Kami akan memproses transaksi Anda meskipun Anda:

  • Kirimkan deposit di jaringan yang salah, jika aset ini didukung di layanan kami.

  • Create a transaction with a wrong coin

  • Memilih jumlah dan kemudian mengirim yang berbeda.

  • Mengirim lebih dari satu deposit untuk transaksi yang sama.

  • Mengirim deposit jauh setelah pertukaran dibuat atau selesai.

We will not be able to proceed with the transaction on the initial terms if you:

  • Send a deposit for a fixed-rate exchange after the rate expires, provided that the rate declines over this timeframe

  • Make a transaction using the wrong contract address

In these cases, we encourage you to contact our support team. The exchange can be continued from there, or alternatively, you are free to request a refund.

How to cancel an exchange:

  • cancel icon

    If you didn’t send any funds yet, there is no need to cancel the transaction, you can simply create a new one

  • cancel icon

    If you have already sent the funds for the exchange, immediately contact our support team for assistance

Tips berguna untuk diketahui

Kami akan memproses transaksi Anda meskipun Anda:

  • Kirimkan deposit di jaringan yang salah, jika aset ini didukung di layanan kami.

  • Create a transaction with a wrong coin

  • Memilih jumlah dan kemudian mengirim yang berbeda.

  • Mengirim lebih dari satu deposit untuk transaksi yang sama.

  • Mengirim deposit jauh setelah pertukaran dibuat atau selesai.

We will not be able to proceed with the transaction on the initial terms if you:

  • Send a deposit for a fixed-rate exchange after the rate expires, provided that the rate declines over this timeframe

  • Make a transaction using the wrong contract address

In these cases, we encourage you to contact our support team. The exchange can be continued from there, or alternatively, you are free to request a refund.

How to cancel an exchange:

  • cancel icon

    If you didn’t send any funds yet, there is no need to cancel the transaction, you can simply create a new one

  • cancel icon

    If you have already sent the funds for the exchange, immediately contact our support team for assistance