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Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more

Web3.0 Crypto Exchange Service

Cryptocurrency exchange service. Review risks before swapping.

1 BTC ~ 36.26207 ETH
Explore features of ChangeNOW Pro

Explore features of ChangeNOW Pro

ChangeNOW Pro is an account with extra features for users

  • Transaction history
  • Off-chain swaps
  • AML address checks
  • Three different plans

More details
Options for fiat purchases

Options for fiat purchases

ChangeNOW supports fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat transactions with more than 60 fiat currencies through Visa or MasterCard.

Learn more
Non-custodial platform

Non-custodial platform

ChangeNOW retains your privacy and guarantees security. We are a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange service:

  • We respect your privacy
  • We don’t control your funds
  • Account creation is optional

Customer reviewstitle stars

Andrew Lynn
review starreview starreview starreview starreview star

I made a mistake on the site which could have been very costly. I immediately reached out and the replied straght away and dealt with the issue so I didn't lose the money.

Fred McIntyre
review starreview starreview starreview starreview star

Fantastic app and exchange! 😃👍🏼👊🏼 ...works as expected, great option if there's something you want that's not available on the centralized exchange(s) that you have access to in your particular area.

frade mercedes
review starreview starreview starreview starreview star

Super application, fonctionne très bien pour échanger des jeton provenant de différents protocole. Rapide, peu ou pas de frais et du cashback en jeton NOW à chaque transfert effectué ! Ont peut également échanger le jeton KASPA ! Que demander de mieux pour ce genre de service ! Au Top !!!

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