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Buy OKB (ETH) with Thai Baht (THB) Instantly

Buy OKB (ETH) instantly with the best exchange rate on ChangeNOW. Pay with a debit or a credit card. No hidden fees guaranteed.


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OKB (OKB) Price Chart

Market stats

Market Rank
Market Cap
$ 2 958 110 210.26
24H Volume
$ 6 833 757.76
24H High
$ 50.24
Circulating Supply
300 000 000 OKB
USD iconicon-usd
okb iconicon-okb

OKB Price Performance

OKB currently trades at roughly $49.3 and has +5.75% over the past seven days. There are currently about 300,000,000 OKB tokens in circulation. As a decentralized currency, you can trade OKB freely without relying on traditional finance systems.

How to Buy OKB with a Credit or Debit Card

With ChangeNOW, THB to OKB conversions are simple and transparent. Let’s say you want to convert Thai Baht to OKB.

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Select Payment Option

Select the “Add Funds” option on your Dashboard and tap on “Credit/Debit Card”.

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Enter Your Details

Select OKB and enter your credit or debit card details.

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Complete the Purchase

Preview your transaction details and confirm the purchase.

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What is OKEx and OKB

OKEx is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that also offers other services such as OKEx Pool and loans. It was founded in 2017 and aims to remove financial barriers and improve the economy as a whole by creating the next-generation financial ecosystem.

OKEx has developed a DeFi Hub, a digital asset ecosystem. OKEx wallet can be utilized in the NFT marketplace offered by the platform and blockchain games that are a part of the hub. OKEx also created the OEC blockchain, formerly known as OKExChain, with its own native token OKT. OEC utilizes the Cosmos SDK and Tendermit Proof of Stake consensus algorithm.

OKB is an ERC-20 utility token that serves a variety of purposes on the OKEx blockchain. Token holders receive up to a 40% discount on trading fees, earn passive income by staking and depositing their coins into a savings account, and participate in token sales via Jumpstart. OKB is also applicable on several other platforms and can be utilized for payment. It is deflationary as it is bought back from the holders and burnt every three months to reduce the token’s supply.

According to the OKEx website, there is a new release planned, Convenient farming tools. Convenient farming tools will provide access to farming events and allow users to invest “easily and securely.”

Why Buy OKB on ChangeNOW


Flexible KYC system

Our platform requires minimal personal information, allowing you to engage in cryptocurrency exchanges with ease, efficiency, and an emphasis on privacy. Some of the transactions don’t require any KYC at all.


A Broad Range of Fiat Currencies

Our platform supports over 60 fiat currencies, including popular ones like the United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euros, etc.


Fast Purchase

Benefit from rapid transaction processing on our advanced platform, enabling swift settlements and the acquisition of OKB tokens in as little as 4 minutes. Prioritizing efficiency, user satisfaction, and unparalleled speed in digital asset exchanges.


Multiple Gateways

Experience seamless purchasing OKB, choosing a variety of secure payment gateways, accepting popular debit and credit cards, and the added convenience of SWIFT/SEPA bank transfers.


Low Transaction Fees

Experience the advantage of our user-friendly buy OKB platform, offering affordable transaction fees, diverse trading options, and a secure environment, all designed to optimize your digital asset investments.


Easy to Use

Discover seamless trading with ChangeNOW's intuitive interface, expertly designed for effortless navigation and user-friendly experience, empowering both new and seasoned investors to manage their crypto with ease. Buy OKB in just a few clicks.

Price Calculator

Use our calculator before swapping your assets to see how many coins you’ll receive.


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Why buy OKB (OKB) on ChangeNOW?

ChangeNOW cares about your privacy and security. We are a non-custodial service, and we never control, store, or hold your funds in any way.

An average transaction takes less than five minutes, and we aim to reduce the times further in the future.

ChangeNOW is a versatile service that adapts to the crypto market. We add new and popular cryptocurrencies regularly and follow new trends.

Our service operates with some of the highest maximum amounts and the lowest minimums on the market.

Buy OKB (ETH) worldwide

ChangeNOW is a versatile service. We offer multiple ways to exchange crypto. We provide a platform where users can manage all popular cryptocurrencies, exchange them, and easily diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio.

Buying OKB (ETH) with Thai Baht | Q&A

  • The average transaction on ChangeNOW takes 5 minutes to settle. At most, expect to receive the tokens in your wallet within 10 minutes of payment.

  • Yes, it is safe because this exchange has advanced security features such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. We also don’t keep custody over users’ assets, so you retain full control.

  • You can buy it with over sixty fiat currencies, including the U.S. Dollar, Euros, British Pounds, Hong Kong dollars, etc.

  • You can store it in offline cold storage or a digital wallet accessible online. The NOW wallet is a good example of a digital wallet to keep your tokens securely.

  • You can purchase at least $2 worth of OKB on this exchange. We may not be able to complete the transaction below that.

  • ChangeNOW supports over 20 payment methods, including the most popular ones as well as local ones for specific currencies.

    Once you set your desired exchange pair and amount, you will see all available payment method options for your particular exchange.

  • ChangeNOW operates in all countries where cryptocurrency is not legally prohibited. For more detailed information, feel free to check Paragraph 10 of our Terms of Use.

    Keep in mind that fiat-to-crypto exchanges are performed through third-party providers which may have additional terms.

Buy OKB (ETH) Instantly with ChangeNOW

ChangeNOW allows you to buy OKB instantly using your credit/debit card or another token.


Convert Thai Baht to any cryptocurrency

ChangeNOW is a versatile service. ChangeNOW offers multiple ways to exchange fiat at a competitive rate. Providing a platform where users can manage all popular cryptocurrencies, exchange them, and easily diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio.